Indoor Loose Parts - Open-Ended Creating
Indoor loose parts are perfect for rainy day play. Start collecting items that can be used and be amazed at the creativity that will unfold as your child starts playing. This is open ended play that provides endless opportunities to be creative. There are no expectations that something specific should be produced. The benefits of loose parts play are many including creative thinking, risk taking, perseverance and exploring different ideas. So get started with making your loose parts collections and soon you will see amazing creativity flow.
Creating with natural loose parts
Outdoor natural loose parts provide an interesting play experience for kids. The sensory exploration of different textures offers an opportunity to talk and learn about nature. It also captures the imagination because it is something different from toys and completely open-ended. Children can create whatever they like with stones, sticks, leaves, flower, petals etc… The possibilities and benefits of this sort of play experience are endless. Read this blog to find out more.
Setting up a Fairyland small world surprise
Fairies are a true favourite theme for kids to play. Setting up a Fairyland small world can be simple and provide hours of fun. Set up Fairyland with your child or set it up as a play surprise. You could include a fairy house, fairy garden, wicked river, mystical forest and gnome’s cave. This easy fairy activity doesn’t need fairy toys, use the free download to print fairy cut outs to use to create your own Fairyland.
Make your own ocean - a fun and easy water play activity for kids
Create your own underwater world with this easy water play idea. Kids can use a jar for a small ocean or a container for a big ocean. Add stones, shells and sea creatures and some blue coloured water. Kids will love creating and then playing with their own unique ocean.
Fork painting: a new and fun painting technique for kids to try
Painting is a favourite activity for kids. Mix things up with your painting and use a fork instead of a paintbrush. Kids will love trying out a new technique that is sure to challenge their hand-eye co-ordination and motor skills. Use our video examples and the free PDF templates to kick start your fork painting fun and then allow children to try some of their own ideas.
Making toys: eco friendly, cost friendly and fun!
With millions of possible play ideas, it is not sustainable to have every toy you will ever need. This is when you can be a little creative by making what you don’t have. You will be surprised at how kids will be just as satisfied with a made toy rather than a bought one. Making toys is not only cost friendly but it is good for the environment. It gives cardboard boxes and other items a second life. Another benefit of making toys is the skills it teaches children, from problem solving to fine motor skills. Read this blog to find out more.
Digging for Dinosaurs: A finding and matching activity
Dinosaur fans will enjoy pretending to be a palaeontologist in this dinosaur finding activity. Read a bit about the activity and try it out with your own children. Don’t forget to watch the YouTube video to see the activity in action. Download and print the dinosaur cards featured in this post and video to add matching the dinosaurs to this play idea.
Watch, Play and Learn: Our first YouTube Video
Playing with big boxes is lots of fun and also provides opportunities for kids to exercise and learn at the same time. This article explores some of the learning and skills involved in big cardboard box play. From stacking towers to aiming skills, there is so much learning involved. Kids will lift and stretch as they play this activity, providing a form of exercise that might be new to them. Read this article to find out more. Watch the YouTube video link to see it in action.
Outdoor play ideas and benefits
There’s something special about playing outside for children. It could be the freedom of extra space to run around or being out in the open with nature. There are lots of outdoor play ideas and you can also bring a bit of the outdoors into indoor play. Use the free downloadable play tracker to encourage your child to play outside a little bit each day.
10 screen free ways to keep kids busy
Sometimes you just need a few minutes to do something. Having kids around can make these moments challenging. Never fear, we have 10 ideas for those very moments that may help you! Ten tips also includes a free 'look and find' colouring page to download and print. If all else fails, a new colouring activity may do the trick!
Kids are Curious Scientists
Science is part of every young child’s world. To kids, science is not just doing an organised experiment, it could be exploring in the garden or trying out their ideas. Use our free discoveries booklet to keep their excitement going about the world around them.
Loose parts: Introducing open-ended play
Find out what loose parts are and how to use them in play for your children. Loose parts encourage open-ended play, allowing full creativity from your children. Loose parts can be found in many places including outside and around the house. Download the full list of loose parts we often use and start collecting today!
5 tips for outdoor play with play ideas to match
Outdoor play encourages different play and exercise which is important for children's health. It also connects children to the wider world as they explore the natural surroundings of the outdoors. Use these five tips and play ideas to extend your child’s play in the outdoors.
5 play tips to help Grandparents in the holidays
The role of a grandparent is such a special and important one. However, with many years between having kids yourself and having grandchildren, it can be challenging to know how to occupy those little hands! Read some tips from our very own expert grandmother to 6 grandchildren of her own.
Tips to help with the toy hangover after Christmas
Christmas is exciting for children to receive new toys but the hardest part can be figuring out where they all can live in your home. Use the six 'Rs' to help cope with the new toy clean up after Christmas.
5 ideas for dress ups
Dress ups are an important part of children’s play but they can be expensive to buy. This post features ways to play dress ups at home using what you already have around the house.
Playing is Learning
Playing is learning: Five things I learnt from my children testing our first product. Read to share my experience trying out our pretend play product with my 4 year old and 2.5 year old children! We all learnt so much!