Playing with Cardboard Shapes and Loose Parts
Get creative with some big cardboard shapes and loose parts. Children can make big picture scenes using these shapes or just enjoy using the shapes as shapes! They can fill in the shapes with loose parts or add loose parts to the outside. Shapes can be joined together to make objects like rockets and houses then filled in. This is a great way for children to learn about different shapes while playing and creating. Read this blog to find out more.
Playdough colour mixing and fun ideas
Playdough is relaxing and soothing to play with. Playdough is easy to make, we have provided our very own playdough recipe card for you. We have also included some fun ideas of things to play with the playdough to stimulate and extend creativity, skills and learning. The feel of the playdough is a great sensory experience too. While kitchen play equipment is great for playdough, using toys and loose parts add more possibilities for creativity and learning.
Yoghurt container building - using recycled items for play
Use empty yoghurt containers for something to build with that’s different. Stimulate your children’s play and offer other learning experiences by offering these as alternatives or additional to play with blocks and connecting equipment. Allow your children to add other items to their yoghurt container play such as loose parts and other toys. Yoghurt containers are easily bowled down which adds another element of excitement to children’s play. There are many other recyclable items that can be used to stimulate imagination and creative thinking so start collecting!
Playing with Loose Parts Counters - Messy Play without the Mess
Pouring play doesn’t have to mean water! Try using counters or a similar loose parts for a new pouring play experience. Add bowls, spoons, cups, eggboxes and cardboard tubes to encourage different skills to be developed with this kid of play. Whether children are using the counters for pretend play or working on skills by scooping, pouring and sorting, they will be learning while they play.
Indoor Loose Parts - Open-Ended Creating
Indoor loose parts are perfect for rainy day play. Start collecting items that can be used and be amazed at the creativity that will unfold as your child starts playing. This is open ended play that provides endless opportunities to be creative. There are no expectations that something specific should be produced. The benefits of loose parts play are many including creative thinking, risk taking, perseverance and exploring different ideas. So get started with making your loose parts collections and soon you will see amazing creativity flow.
Creating with natural loose parts
Outdoor natural loose parts provide an interesting play experience for kids. The sensory exploration of different textures offers an opportunity to talk and learn about nature. It also captures the imagination because it is something different from toys and completely open-ended. Children can create whatever they like with stones, sticks, leaves, flower, petals etc… The possibilities and benefits of this sort of play experience are endless. Read this blog to find out more.
Setting up a Fairyland small world surprise
Fairies are a true favourite theme for kids to play. Setting up a Fairyland small world can be simple and provide hours of fun. Set up Fairyland with your child or set it up as a play surprise. You could include a fairy house, fairy garden, wicked river, mystical forest and gnome’s cave. This easy fairy activity doesn’t need fairy toys, use the free download to print fairy cut outs to use to create your own Fairyland.
Loose parts: Introducing open-ended play
Find out what loose parts are and how to use them in play for your children. Loose parts encourage open-ended play, allowing full creativity from your children. Loose parts can be found in many places including outside and around the house. Download the full list of loose parts we often use and start collecting today!