Play then Recycle - 10 Recycled Items to use in Play
We love using recycled items for play! Here are ten of our favourites that are always available for our Superstars to create and to play with. Using recycled items is a no cost way to stimulate children’s imagination in play. Add some recyclable items in your child’s play area and see your child’s imagination lead the way! You will be amazed by the creative thinking and problem solving that will unfold as your child is determined to make things work.
Yoghurt container building - using recycled items for play
Use empty yoghurt containers for something to build with that’s different. Stimulate your children’s play and offer other learning experiences by offering these as alternatives or additional to play with blocks and connecting equipment. Allow your children to add other items to their yoghurt container play such as loose parts and other toys. Yoghurt containers are easily bowled down which adds another element of excitement to children’s play. There are many other recyclable items that can be used to stimulate imagination and creative thinking so start collecting!