Playing with Cardboard Shapes and Loose Parts
Get creative with some big cardboard shapes and loose parts. Children can make big picture scenes using these shapes or just enjoy using the shapes as shapes! They can fill in the shapes with loose parts or add loose parts to the outside. Shapes can be joined together to make objects like rockets and houses then filled in. This is a great way for children to learn about different shapes while playing and creating. Read this blog to find out more.
Indoor Loose Parts - Open-Ended Creating
Indoor loose parts are perfect for rainy day play. Start collecting items that can be used and be amazed at the creativity that will unfold as your child starts playing. This is open ended play that provides endless opportunities to be creative. There are no expectations that something specific should be produced. The benefits of loose parts play are many including creative thinking, risk taking, perseverance and exploring different ideas. So get started with making your loose parts collections and soon you will see amazing creativity flow.
Playing is Learning
Playing is learning: Five things I learnt from my children testing our first product. Read to share my experience trying out our pretend play product with my 4 year old and 2.5 year old children! We all learnt so much!