Playing with Cardboard Shapes and Loose Parts
Get creative with some big cardboard shapes and loose parts. Children can make big picture scenes using these shapes or just enjoy using the shapes as shapes! They can fill in the shapes with loose parts or add loose parts to the outside. Shapes can be joined together to make objects like rockets and houses then filled in. This is a great way for children to learn about different shapes while playing and creating. Read this blog to find out more.
Yoghurt container building - using recycled items for play
Use empty yoghurt containers for something to build with that’s different. Stimulate your children’s play and offer other learning experiences by offering these as alternatives or additional to play with blocks and connecting equipment. Allow your children to add other items to their yoghurt container play such as loose parts and other toys. Yoghurt containers are easily bowled down which adds another element of excitement to children’s play. There are many other recyclable items that can be used to stimulate imagination and creative thinking so start collecting!
Making toys: eco friendly, cost friendly and fun!
With millions of possible play ideas, it is not sustainable to have every toy you will ever need. This is when you can be a little creative by making what you don’t have. You will be surprised at how kids will be just as satisfied with a made toy rather than a bought one. Making toys is not only cost friendly but it is good for the environment. It gives cardboard boxes and other items a second life. Another benefit of making toys is the skills it teaches children, from problem solving to fine motor skills. Read this blog to find out more.